Administration Courses
ADM-403 - Effective Christian Leadership
This course explains the difference between leaders who are effective and those who are efficient, and what this means to the local church.
ADM-502 - Rational Pastoral Theology
An examination of the way God's rules in one's own life causes positive changes in relationships in boards, committees, study groups, and staffs.
ADM-503 - Pastoral Competency I
A survey of pastoral assignments; preaching/teaching, ceremonies, (weddings, dedications, funerals, etc.), staff and committee leadership, etc. – the course focuses in three broad areas: The pastor and personal matters, the pastor and public ministry, and the pastor and policy management.
ADM-504 - Training In Church Membership I
A study of the program of training individual members for more active intelligent and effective work in the local church.
ADM-507 - Church Finances I
Programs of budgeting, bookkeeping, raising funds and program management (building, youth education, missions, etc.) will be explored, along with the Biblical foundation for giving..
ADM-602 - Rational Pastoral Theology II
An examination of the way God’s rules in one’s owns life causes positive changes in relationships in boards, committees, study groups, and staffs..
ADM-603 - Pastoral Competency II
The course focuses in three broad areas: The pastor and personal matters, the pastor and public ministry, and the pastor and policy management..
ADM-604 - Training In Church Membership II
A study of the program of training individual members for more active intelligent and effective work in the local church.
ADM-607 - Church Finances II
Programs of budgeting, bookkeeping, raising funds and program management (building, youth education, missions, etc.) will be explored, along with the Biblical foundation for giving (Tithes and offerings).