Each book of the Bible is introduced and considered in its theme and general content.
An introductory survey of the five books of the Pentateuch.
A study of the five historical books, covering the period of early Israeli history including Joshua, Judges, Ruth and I & II Corinthians. From the conquest of the Promised Land to the introduction of the Kingdom Period, the history of Judah and it’s kings, Jerusalem, Temple & Priests.
A study of historical books, I & II Samuel, I & II Kings – from the theocracy of Eli and Samuel to Israel’s first king, their greatest prosperity to its decline and fall.
A study of the last historical books: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. This includes the restoration of the Jews.
Brings unity and chronological sequence to New Testament study by weaving the contents of the books around a central theme - the person of Christ
A survey of the history of the New Testament with special emphasis given to the Inter-testament Period, the gospels, the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the origin and development of the church during the first century.
This course is presenting the Gospels as a combination of parts within an orderly whole. Enhancing the student’s personal study of the gospels by illustrating their complimentary aspects, their differing approaches to the life of Jesus Christ, and their different purposes.
A study of the Acts of the Apostles, the development of the Christian Church as it spread from Jerusalem to Rome, Paul’s epistles to the Romans and church at Corinth.
An overview of God’s working from creation through the early days of His chosen people. Topics discussed include the patriarchs, Israel’s trek to the Promised Land, David’s reign, Solomon’s kingdom, the kingdom of Judah, and the exile.
This course includes a detailed study of the Book of Acts, the missionary development of the early church, the life and missionary journeys of Paul, and the geographical and social backgrounds as they relate to the development of the early church.
A survey of dance referenced biblically.
A survey of drama referenced biblically.
This course is a study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastics, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. The books are carefully studied for spiritual values, moral outlooks, philosophical content, literacy, and poetic form.
This course relates the great literary writings and those of the prophets to us today.
An in depth study of the Major Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, with consideration given to historic background and special emphasis on Messianic passages.
A study of the Minor Prophets in the light of the doctrines they preached and the meaning and fulfillment of their prophecies.
A study of historical books: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. This includes the restoration of the Jews.
This course is a study of Hebrews, General Epistles and Revelation. The distinctive message and content of selected general Epistles are considered as well as John’s revelation.
To present a clear and concise overview of the scriptural revelation concerning the person and work of the second member of the triune Godhead, the son of God, Jesus Christ.
Through identifying and understanding how we grow spiritually, we become more intentional in our use of time and methods.
This course is an expository study of John’s Gospel. This course traces development of major themes within the Gospel, places them in a theological context and delineates the application of some of them to the life of the believer.
This course presents the inspiration and authorship of the Bible, how it was preserved, why we believe it, how we deal with its problems and critics, the role of archeology, and ways to study the Bible more effectively.
Experience the events in the life of Jesus Christ as portrayed in the Gospel of Mark. Video course.
This course is a focused study on the Book of Genesis. Video Course.
This course is directed research/readings in the Old Testament under supervision of an Academic Advisor to meet the needs/interests of the student.
Directed research/readings in the Old Testament under supervision of an Academic Advisor to meet the needs/interests of the student.
Directed research/readings in the New Testament under supervision of an Academic Advisor to meet the needs/interests of the student
Directed research/readings in the New Testament under supervision of an Academic Advisor to meet the needs/interests of the student
A course designed to give the student an in-depth knowledge of Paul’s epistle to the Galatians and demonstrate in the process various methods applicable to in-depth scripture study.
A course designed to give the student an in-depth knowledge of Paul’s epistle to the Philippians, and continue to demonstrate in the process various methods applicable to in-depth study of all scripture.
This course presents the inspiration and authorship of the Bible, how it was preserved, why we believe it, how we deal with its problems and critics, the role of archeology, and ways to study the Bible more effectively.
This course is a focused study on the Book of Genesis. Video Course.
An expository study of the book of Isaiah, including the history of Judaism at the time Isaiah was written.